"RAY PAUL's style is grounded in the kind of pop/rock that BADFINGER so excelled in. The best of his output plus one new track, recorded with pop legend EMITT RHODES, graces this top-notch new collection. It's finally here, it's a winner, and that's good news for pop fans."
....Alan Haber
www.purepopradio.com & WEBR-FM(Fairfax,VA)

Click on link to hear MP3 sample
1. Some Sing, Some Dance (752 k)
2. How Do You Know? (600 k)
3. Keep It Confidential
4. Hold It (680 k)
5. Lady Be Mine Tonight
6. Tears/Little Darlin'
7. Standing on the Edge of Goodbye (799 k)
8. Won't You Take a Ride
9. The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore
10. You Send Your Lovin' With My Money
11. Brokenhearted
12. Time Race
13. Hold It
14. Cut It Out
15. No One Else Could Love Me
16. Story
17. Telegram Sam
18. So We Go (On & On)
The Charles Beat (Best Of The Boston Years 1977-1981 & Now)
When I was living and performing in Boston, a local writer asked me, 'How do you describe your music?' Well, the Charles River separates Boston from Cambridge and joking around in a play on the words Mersey Beat, I answered off the top of my head, 'The Charles Beat,' and it kind of stuck."
....Ray Paul
From his roots growing up in Rochester,New York, RAY PAUL was heavily influenced by the energy and excitement created by the first British Invasion, especially The Beatles, and the classic pop songwriting of the '60's. After moving to Boston in August 1976, RAY PAUL released two solo singles, and the album "Go Time" with his group RPM. This is the music that makes up most of the 18 Track Collection "The Charles Beat (Best Of The Boston Years 1977-1981 & Now)." After 15 years away from the stage, RAY PAUL teamed up with pop legend EMITT RHODES to perform together at the Poptopia Festival in Los Angeles in 1997. Recently, RAY PAUL & EMITT recorded the brand new single (being worked at A/C & AAA radio) which leads off "The Charles Beat" cd. RAY PAUL and a "Special Guest All-Star Band" will be performing at the International Pop Overthrow Festival in Los Angeles at The Gig in West L.A. on Saturday, July 22nd.
"Boston club favorites RAY PAUL & RPM have recorded an album and it blows away a good portion of the recent offerings of the big-time labels. 'Go Time' is a fresh, irresistible collection of well-crafted '60's-style pop tunes. RAY PAUL has a McCartney-esque talent for melody...and best of all, PAUL & RPM sound like they truly respect pop. There's no new wave pretension, no '80's cynicism, just the energetic good will that made groups like The Grass Roots and The Raspberries so great. There are so many satisfying tracks here that it's difficult to pick favorites...it's state-of-the-art pop."....Joyce Millman
WHAT'S NEW/Boston,MA (October 1980)
"...RAY PAUL is still one of the very best power-poppers in the mold of early Artful Dodger...from the ashes of the Badfinger-Stories-Raspberries-Wackers school." ....JSF
OP/Seattle,WA (1981)
"This is a disc that gives true meaning to the phrase 'Power Pop.' The music sounds as fresh and vital today as it did back when RAY PAUL & RPM regularly captivated Boston audiences." ....David BashDISCOVERIES
"The most popular acts to come out of Beantown are undeniably Aerosmith, The J. Geils Band and The Cars. However, one local scenester destined for greatness on a national scale was Power Pop maven RAY PAUL. As leader of RAY PAUL & RPM, and as a solo artist, the Paul McCartney look-alike set the town ablaze with his fiery, visceral brand of Beatlesque Pop. Now, 'The Charles Beat' provides ample proof that PAUL should have followed in the footsteps of his more famous Boston musical comrades. The new compilation is an excellent musical primer for this underated artist."
....Ken Sharp